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Tag Archives: honesty

Golf Courses and Rich People. Oh and one more thing: I want to be RICH. REAL RICH.

On a drive on a sunny California Day, one of my good girlfriends remarked, “Golf courses are a waste of space for the rich.”  It’s a sentiment that stuck with me. Only because I disagreed with it, on all levels. I don’t have negative feelings towards golf courses, or the rich.  I find golf courses to have a certain elegance. I like to golf.  I’d be lying if I said …Read More

Negging Backfires Yo, Try Hurtlessness

“Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.” It was a song we sang as kids as our first line of defense, and it was necessary to learn.  For the rest of our lives we would be defending ourselves against words and names.  It was an instant armor for our psyche.  An armor as thin as a lie, because that’s what it was made of. I guess this is on …Read More